Haunted Key West Ghost Tour

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The Audubon House/ Captain Geiger Home
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The Audubon House/ Captain Geiger Home

The Audubon House/ Home of Captain Geiger


Mr. Audubon was never the owner of the home, but used to visit and do paintings of the wildlife of Key West. He also named many of the plants which were new species. He would also draw pictures of the birds of Key West as well.

The Audobon House
House of Captain Geiger and Willy the hermit.


This room is also known as the Quarentine Room.
The children were kept in this room, so they would not pass the yellow fever to others. Toys are now kept in this room and is roped off to patrons of the Audubon House.
I spoke to the custodian and the museums head chairman. He was curious of me as I took notes in this house. I told him of my website and he did tell me stories of the house. How the chandelier would often have all the light bulbs unscrewed from the their holders. How he would hear his name in the empty house and of the alarm that would always go off in the middle of the night because of movement inside the empty house.

Key West's Original Ghost Tour
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Darlene tells of the story of the Geiger's home, which is called "The Audubon House". Captain John Hurling Geiger, Harbor Pilot and Master Wrecker of Key West. Much of his success was at the disasters of others. As a Master Wrecker, he would help those who would wreck upon the shoreline of Key West. Possession of those wrecks would be his payment.
Captain Geiger's success was short lived. Most of his children died in that house. Mostly of Yellow Fever and one died from a fall from a nut tree in front of the house.  In the back of the house, their is a stone walkway, which is the burial ground for those children.
Darlene tells the story of another resident of the house, a hermit called Willy. Willy would not leave the house, he would not leave his room, in fact, during dinner time, he would hurl a basket over the front window, where servants would load his Breakfast, his lunch, and dinner into the basket. Willy also died in that room, also.  

Click on "The Audubon House" below.
It will take you to the Audubon House Website.

Chandelier in Dining Room

This is the infamous Chandelier that would unscrew it's light bulbs from itself. From time to time, they would have to get rescrewed back. It's just some of the stories that this house has to it's mysterious ghostly happenings.

The Haunted Mirror
See Vortex of a stick figure of a man. Strange, huh?

I took this picture when my meter went off. To my surprise when the film got developed, it had a vortex of energy that made a strange pattern of a man figure.
All the furniture was not original to the home. It was collected, but is 17th to 18th century fixtures donated to the museum.  This one, surely has some story behind it. If only mirror could talk. Wait, that's in Snow White, right? Mirror, mirror, on the wall...ha, ha, ha.

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